Service Terms and Conditions
Article 1 (Scope of application)
These terms and conditions are applied to FINGER.INC (hereinafter referred to as “company”) and customers (hereinafter referred to as "customers") who use remittance service (hereinafter referred to as "service").
Article 2 (Real name transaction)
The customers shall carry out remittance transactions with the company under their real name, and provide the company with a valid photo-bearing personal identification card when requested for the purpose of real name confirmation.
Article 3 (Limit of remittance amount)
Remittance amount limit of this service is as follows.
- 1. Each of sending and receiving amount shall not exceed USD 5,000 per transaction
- 2. Each of sending and receiving cumulative amount in 1 year shall not exceed USD 50,000
Article 4 (Designated account)
- ① The company shall only make payment to customers or receive deposit from customers through a financial company account (hereinafter referred to as “designated account”), which has been designated as an account to be used in small amount remittance business at the time of registration (including registration for revision), under the company’s name.
- ② The Company shall post the contents of the designated account referred in Section 1 on the company’s App, and manage to update it with the latest contents.
Article 5 (Fee)
- ① When receiving service application from the customers, the company shall provide customers with details of the fee (hereinafter referred to as “fee”) which they have to pay, and the fee has to be stated separately as exchange fee, remittance fee etc…
- ② The Company shall post the contents of the fee on the company’s App, and manage to update it with the latest contents.
Article 6 (Exchange rate)
- ① When receiving service application from the customers, the company shall provide the customers with the information of exchange rate that is applied.
- ② The Company shall post the contents of the applied exchange rate on the company’s App screen before transferring money, and manage to update it with the latest contents.
Article 7 (Sending. receiving amount)
- ① When the customer applies and sends deposit to designated account, the company shall deduct the amount of fee, exchange the remittance amount into foreign currency, and transfer the money to the beneficiary as requested by customer.
- ② When receiving service application from the customers, the company shall provide the customers with information of sending.receiving amount shown in Korean won and foreign currency.
Article 8 (Transfer arrival time)
- ① When receiving service application from the customers, the company shall provide the customers with information of the expected arrival time for sending.receiving money.
- ② The Company shall post the contents of the expected arrival time for sending.receiving money on the company’s App, and manage to update it with the latest contents.
Article 9 (Remittance amendment, cancellation)
- ① The customers can apply to cancel or amend remittance by phone or visit to company only when the remittance process did not complete. However, the customers cannot cancel or amend remittance that were already processed and completed as deposit was already sent to the beneficiary’s account …
- ② When receiving remittance amendment or cancellation request from the customers, the company shall process these requests and inform the customers about the result.
Article 10 (Notification of remittance result)
When the remittance process completes, the company shall inform the customers immediately about the result via the contact number that has been registered by the customers before.
Article 11 (Compensation for damages)
When any damage occurs to the customer due to the company’s liable cause, scope of compensation for damages includes the ordinary damages set forth in the Civil Act, any damages caused by special circumstances shall be liable for damages only when the company knew or was able to know those circumstances.
Article 12 (Refund)
- ① The customers can apply for a refund if without liability to the customers, the remittance process has not completed within 15 days since the date the customers applied for the service and made deposit to designated account.
- ② After receiving refund application referred in Section 1 from the customers, except special circumstances, the company shall send back to customers the original deposited amount and the relevant amount in Article 11 (compensation for damages).
Article 13 (Dispute resolution procedure)
- ① The company reflects the customers’ reasonable opinions or complaints about remittance service, and shall prepare the procedure for compensating damages raised from overseas remittance business (hereinafter referred to as “dispute resolution procedure”)
- ② The company shall provide customers with notifications (settling deadline, customer notification method …) about the method of filing a dispute (including the dispute resolution office, the person in charge and their contact details), the dispute resolution procedure (divided into simple complains and claims for compensation of damage), and resolution result.
- ③ When a customer has any objection about the process of overseas remittance transaction, customer can request the company (dispute resolution office or the person in charge) to resolve the matter, the company shall investigate and send notifications to customer about processing result within the resolution period referred in Section 2.
- ④ The Company shall post the contents of the dispute resolution office, the person in charge and their contact details on the company’s App, and manage to update it with the latest contents.
Article 14 (Preservation of transaction record)
The Company shall maintain records of payments and receipt transactions with its customers for five years pursuant to the Foreign Exchange Transaction Act.
Article 15 (Secret protection liability)
- ① Except cases regulated by laws, without customer’s prior consent, the company shall not disclose, reveal or use customer’s information (hereinafter referred to as “customer information”) obtained through performing overseas remittance tasks such as ‘customer’s personal information, account information, remittance transaction details etc…
- ② If the company violates Section 1 due to company’s reason such as negligence of management or the customer information is stolen or leaked, the company shall be liable to the customer for damages.
Article 16 (Issue and explanation of terms)
- ① The company shall post the made or revised term and conditions on internet homepage etc…, and shall specify the terms and conditions when concluding an overseas remittance contract with customers.
- ② The company shall issue a copy of the terms and conditions to customers by either electronic documents (including transmission via email), fax, mailing, or direct delivery.
Article 17 (Applicable regulations)
The matters not specified in these terms and conditions are subject to relevant laws such as the Foreign Exchange Transaction Law.
Article 18 (Jurisdiction)
When a lawsuit is filed in connection with this transaction, the court that has jurisdiction over the location of the company shall be the court of competent jurisdiction.
These terms and conditions apply from October 15, 2019.